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Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Well....we have moved!!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU Bart Daelemans & Nicky Compton for being available for our spur-of-the-moment move to our new classroom!!

We have moved, and most of our things have come with us!! Chairs and tables were not among those things, so for our final day of Term 1, we will be working on the floor as we await the arrival of our new tables and new chairs.

I have had an AMAZING first term with ROOM 16!!! So I have HUGE expectations for term 2 with ROOM 9. SO rest up, have a great break with you family and friends, and come back rested and ready for Term 2!!

Trent...all the best for Motor-Cross Nationals!!
Raiha...carve up in your surf comps!!
Robert...good luck for you Taekwando competition!!

Anyone else who is taking part in competitions that you haven't told me about..... "GOOD LUCK"

And BTW....... I will be doing my 1/2 Marathon walk on 30th April in Rotorua!! (The weekend before school starts again)!!


Camp - Done & Dusted


We've done it!! A cool week despite the rain.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! To our amazing camp parents "Rod Hodge, Carly Akroyd & Nicky Compton" without the three of you camp would not have run as smoothly as it did!!

Also a HUGE thank you!! to our transport parents, Bart Daelemans, Leeann Dickson & Kirsty Hooker for ensuring we got there and back :-)

We will upload some photos incase you haven't seen them already.